List of things for dream house

Garden full of these

Some things I want/need to have in my amazing dream house. It will be small but grand in other ways. Eco friendly.

Garden. HUGE. I can’t wait to have a huge outside garden along with a type of greenhouse with it. So I can not only have vegs and fruit in the summer but winter also. grow all our own food.

Swimming pool. I know its not the best for the whole enivroment but ah what a nice lap pool would do.

Off the grid. solar, wind. It would be amazing to be able to be off the grid. Nice solar water heater and wind or solar power for the rest of the house.

Huge kitchen with farmer sink. After 2 years of cooking so many meals with no space, I don’t have table or anywhere to work. I can’t wait for a huge nice table along with a huge farmer sink to take up all the dishes.

Couch in front of fireplace. I want a place for the whole family can sit in front of the fireplace. One things has to be in the house fireplace. wood, old school..umm with a cup of tea at nice, book. Wonderful

Library. I can’t wait to have a place for all the books, along with a place to go and read. So maybe another fireplace, nice curl up place, lights.

Deck/patio. One of the biggest things I’m going to miss is my deck over looking the valley and sunset every night. I would love a deck where you can relax and watch the sky.

Not going to lie I would also like chickens, a horse, and sheep so also land…

(This week I decided to honor a blog I follow secret society of list addicts. yesterday post. so welcome to W.A.’s list week.)

List of my top 5 wideopen dream jobs

If I could do any jobs in the world – had the money, education, background, time to do it here is what they would be:

This but underwater!

US senator. one beacuse you make the laws. two you can do the job more then 8 years. three that many more balls, BBQs, parties, and people to meet. Along with all the suits I would get to wear in blue…

National Geographic photographer. you go to crazy places in crazy transportation to get amazing photographs. Then I would blow them all up huge and put all over my house.

Travel show host. free food, free travel, getting to  go around the world. If I could have one it would be to visit all the tribes and do more local travel with it all.

Underwater Archaeologist studying Viking life. umm do I need to say more then sucba diving and Norway, Ireland, Denmark,Greenland and vikings (the ones with out the horns on the hats)

Ambassador. not only do you get a sweet passport. and flags on your car. you also get called madam ambassador….what more could you ask for?

(This week I decided to honor a blog I follow secret society of list addicts. And Since yesterday just by chance I stated a list I thought I would make this week list week; since I’m down to my last days over here in BG, my life has been nothing but list lately so I love a good check off. so welcome to W.A.’s list week.)