The door

The door that changed the world

The door that really did change the world, its not “the” door as that was burnt in a fire but its now the spot that Luther posted the 95 thesis that changed the world for good.

Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany

Happy Day for all Indigenous People

HAPPY International Day of the World’s Indigenous People!!!

May today be just another day in making sure all people have the same rights and well some even more. It is also a day to celebrate what has been done but also to look at how much work there still is to be done.

Even since my first trip to Tanzania and then to South America, I always have the people I meet in my mind. I didn’t know it at the time, but just how much those people changed me then and now are still affecting me today. Some of them will never know, I still have pictures, events in my head that will always be there; I just hope they are able to live the life they want to.

Today is a time where we can look to them for better understanding and not force it the other way; beacuse we have so much to learn or relearn from them.

“The theme of this year’s Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is indigenous filmmakers, who give us windows into their communities, cultures and history. Their work connects us to belief systems and philosophies; it captures both the daily life and the spirit of indigenous communities. As we celebrate these contributions, I call on Governments and civil society to fulfill their commitment to advancing the status of indigenous peoples everywhere.”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Message for the 2010 International Day
of the World’s Indigenous People