GOALS for 2013

So for my last- yes- last class I had to make a action plan for after I graduate. Well it was amazing and one of the goals is to be more public and to post on my blog once a month. (more later)

But here is a fun goal. I found this amazing website I wish I knew about during Peace Corps. Goodreads. It would of been nice to have more then a google doc half way through my 100?200? books I read during my 27 months! 

So 2013 I plan to read 60 books. So far I’m at 6 a little behind thanks to my wonderful action project. They can be fun, business, leadership, girly, travel, anything! After two years of reading “have to” books, I can’t wait to get back to the fun ones! And now I have a place to track them all…which I think I almost love even more!

Here is getting back into the reading in 2013!